
97 Howard Street,
North Shields,
Tyne & Wear,
NE30 1NA.

Red Carpet Fundraising Event

Nick Banks and Lady Kitt

Photo © Colin Davison

28 September, 2019

Pilgrim Street

This was our last ever show at our venue in Pilgrim Street, and we wanted to go out in style. Our theme: Hollywood. We invited you to come dressed for the red carpet  to see our final exhibition showcasing the work of Nick Banks and Lady Kitt, featuring portraits of Hedy Lamarr, Challa Man, Michael Caine, Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hepburn and more. Both artists generously donated their work to help with our fundraising in anticipation of opening our new venue at Globe 7.

Globe has survived the ups and downs of an ever more difficult funding landscape and our last 4 years in particular could not have been achieved without the help of some amazing people. We would like to say a big thank you to White Box (Paul Stone, JP and Chris Yeates) for their unwavering support, Locus+ (Jon Bewley and Jonty Tarbuck) who have made this move possible, all of the individuals who have dedicated time and expertise, you know who you are, and of course our current team, Cheryl Baty, Marty Clement, David Houghton, Ola Kozlova, Lorna Parker, Laura Cowling, Sergio Morogo, Andrew Hardy, Catherine Boland, Anya Bramich, Colin Davison, Joanne Walker, Lucy Duprez, Maria Vafeiadi.

We would also like to say a big thank you to our new sponsors The Simpson Group who have kindly produced all of the printing for our fundraising rewards.

Artist Statement

Nick Banks

Nick Banks is a collage artist from London. He graduated from the Slade School of Art in 1984  and has since been teaching Art and Design.

Lady Kitt

Lady Kitt is an artist, activist and drag King who graduated from Northumbria university. They describe their work as “Mess Making as Social Glue, driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore, share and (gently) insight the social functions of stuff that gets called art.”

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