After its summer break,Globe Gallery was pleased to open its exhibition program with ‘Felix Culpa’, a solo show by Roxy Walsh at Globe City.
Odd, funny and beautiful, the paintings by Roxy Walsh were spooked with creatures appearing out of pale puddles of paint. There were fingers and holes and circles, a heart with a necklace and knitted squirrels’ ears. Sometimes the images copied words or small children, cropping up again and again, looking like they wanted to be understood.
Jonathan Goodman wrote of Walsh’s paintings: ‘beyond their erotic ironies’ (they are) ‘primarily about the pleasures of language and painting’: ‘In their diminutive size and lyricism, these works feel like short poems.’ ‘…she seems filled with a musical regret. Her stylized provocations are a way of keeping the poetic alive (1)’. (1)Art in America, 7/98